Physics exams

Friday 14 October 2011

MCAT Physics Practice test 6 & Answer key

1) We have two waves one at $f=1000 Hz$ and another at $g=3000 Hz$.
    find the beat frequencies ?

A. $1000 Hz$ and $4000 Hz$
B. $2000 Hz$ and $3000 Hz$
C. $1000 Hz$ and $3000 Hz$
D. $2000 Hz$ and $4000 Hz$

2) Find the energy contained in photon of light the wavelength is $720 nm $

A. $1,2.10^{-19}j$
B. $2,1.10^{-19}j$
C. $2,75.10^{-18}j$
D. $2,75.10^{-19}j$

3)We have an inductor $20.0 mH$ ,
 Find the value of inductive reactance at frequency of $10kHz$?

A.$ 1256.64 ohms$
B.$ 6.2832   ohms$
C.$ 628.32   ohms$
D.$ 789.56   ohms$

4)One wire carrying $100 mA$ ,find  the flux density of magnetic field in tesla at distance of $10 cm$ from this wire ?

A. $10^{-10}T$
B. $2.10^{-7}T$
C. $2,4.10^{-7}T$
D. $7.10^{-6}T$

Answer key :


Friday 7 October 2011

MCAT Physics equations list ( Formulas )

Motion, work, power and energy 

$ v=d/t $
 v : velocity
 d : distance
 t : time

 $a=\Delta v/\Delta t$

a : acceleration
$\Delta v$ : change in velocity
$\Delta t$ : change in time


$P$ : momentum
$m$ : mass
$v$ : velocity

$ w$ : work
$ F$ : force
$d $ : distance



$V$ : Potential difference
$I$ : current
$R$ : resistance

$ P=I.V$

$P$ : Power
$I$ : Current
$V$ : Potential difference


$P$ : Power
$V$ : Potential difference
$R$ : resistance


$P$ : Power
$I$ : Current
$R$ : resistance

Monday 3 October 2011

SAT Physics Practice Questions 3 & answer key

1)An object is traveling along straight line with speed of 100 m/s, after 10 second the speed of this object is 200 m/s.
find the average acceleration?

A. $10  m/s^{2}$
B. $20  m/s^{2}$
C. $1  m/s^{2}$
D. $2  m/s^{2}$

2) One ball makes a rotation around circle of radius 2 m ,with speed of 10 m/s,
    find the frequency of motion in revolutions per second ?

A. 0.33
B. 0.48
C. 0.79
D. 0.88

3)One ball is projected upward with angle of 30 degree ,and initial speed of 50 m/s,
 find the time when the ball will be at the top of trajectory?

A. 5 s
B.10 s
C.15 s
D.25 s

4)We add 30 J of heat to a gas in a container ,and this gas does 10 J of work,
  find the internal energy ?
 A.10 J
 B.20 J
 C.30 J
 D.-20 J

Answer key:

Monday 12 September 2011

SAT Physics Practice Questions 2 & answer key

 1)one planet makes rotation around the sun every 628 days ,find the angular velocity of this planet ?

 A. $10  rad/day$
 B. $1  rad/day$
 C. $1.10^{-1} rad/day$
 D. $1.10^{-2} rad/day$

2) we add 8380 j of heat to  2kg of water at temperature of 30 C,find the temperature of water after this add?

A. 31 ºC
B. 36 ºC
C.  40 ºC
D.  41 ºC

3)A charge of 2 C moves with the velocity of 10 m/s  in  a magnetic field of 0.2 T ,the angle $\theta$ between velocity vector an magnetic field vector is $\theta=\pi/2$ .
find the value of magnetic force ?

A.  1 N
B.  2 N
C.  3 N
D. 4 N

4) A metal wire of lenght of 2 m and section area 10 $mm^{2}$ ,and resistivity equal$10^{-7}A.m$,connected to a battrey with potential of 5 V.
find the value of the current in the wire?

A. 100 A
B. 250 A
C. 300 A
D. 450 A

Answer key :


Friday 9 September 2011

MCAT Physics Practice test 5 & Answer key

1) we have a ball with mass m=1Kg ,and one force acts on this ball and reduces its velocity from 4m/s to 2m/s in time 1s ,what is the value of this force?

A. - 1N
B.- 2N
C.  1N
D.  3N

2) A force acts on abject with mass m =3Kg ,then gives it an acceleration of $1 m/s^{2}$,find the value of acceleration for same force if the mass of object is 2Kg ?

A.  $1  m/s^{2}$
B.  $1.5  m/s^{2}$
C. $3  m/s^{2}$
D. $6  m/s^{2}$

3)we have a volume of gas  $ V=10m^ 3$ at pressure 100 KPa and temperature 10 C,find new volume of this gas if we change the pressure to 200 KPa and temperature to 50 C?

A. $20  m^ 3$
B. $21 m^ 3$
C. $25 m^ 3$
D. $30 m^ 3$

4)How much heat is required to raise temperature of 500 mL of water from 50 C to 100 C ?

A. 10 Kcal
B. 20 Kcal
C. 25 Kcal
D. 50 Kcal

5) A object moves along the X axis according to the law :

 $ x= t^{3}+3t^{2}+2$
find acceleration at t=3s ?

A. $6 m/s^{2}$
B.$12 m/s^{2}$
C.$18 m/s^{2}$
D.$24 m/s^{2}$

6) A object moves along the X axis according to the law :

 $ x= 5t^{2}+2t+7$
 find velocity at time t= 10 s ?

A.102 m/s
B.120 m/s
C.170 m/s
D.190 m/s

7)A charge of 10 C and mass $m=10^{-27}kg$ moves with velocity v=5 m/s in a magnetic field of 0.5 T
the angle between velocity vector and magnetic field vector is $\pi/2$  .
find the radius of the circle of the charged particle's orbit?


Answer key :

Wednesday 7 September 2011

PCAT Physics Practice test 2 & answer key

1)witch one is Balmer series ?

2)we have one wave with wavelength $\lambda= 6000 A$ ,find the frequency of this wave?


3) what is the value of energy for free particule?

 A.  E<-10 e.v
 B . E=-10 e.v
 C. E=-13.6 e.v
 D. E>= 0  e.v

Tuesday 6 September 2011

MCAT Physics Practice test 4 & Answer key

1)The period of a wave is $2500.10^{-6} s $ ,what is the frequencey of this wave ?

A. 400 Hz
B. 600 Hz
C. 1200 Hz
D. 2500 Hz

2) A car has a speed 10 m/s ,start to slow at acceleration of $1 m/s^{2}$ ,witch distance can move before stopping?

A.10 m
B.25 m
C.50 m
D.75 m

3) a man makes a lap around 400 m track in time 50 s.what is his average speed?

A.2 m/s
B.4 m/s
C.8 m/s
D.12 m/s

4) A metal bar is 100 cm long at 20 C ,we heated this bar at 40 C ,what is the increase in length if the linear exponsion coefficient of this metal is  $2.10^{-5 }C^{-1}$.

A. $10^{-5 }$
B. $2.10^{-5 }$
C. $10^{-4}$
D. $4.10^{-4 }$

5) A  car starts with speed null at constant acceleration $4m/s^{2}$ ,find the speed of the car at the end of 10 s?

A. 5 m/s
B.10 m/s
C.15.25 m/s
D.40 m/s

6) the speed of light in glass is  $2.10^{8} $ what is the refractive index of glass?


Ansewr key :

Thursday 1 September 2011

MCAT Physics Practice test 3 & answer key

1)if the quntum number $\ell$=4 how many $m_{\ell}$ exist ?


2)which particule has mass but not charge ?

A. electron
B. photon
C. proton
D. neutron

3)the magnetic field of very long,straight wire is ?

A.$ B=2\mu_{0}i/\pi r$
B.$ B=\mu_{0}i/4\pi r$
C.$ B=\mu_{0}i/2\pi r$
D.$ B=\mu_{0}i/\pi r$

4)one ball has a density of 0.55 $g/cm^{3}$ ,what fraction of the ball floats below the water?

 A. 15%
 B. 45%
 C. 50%
 D. 55%

5) A object with mass 20 kg travel at speed 1 km/s ,find kinetic energy?

  A. 10 j
  B. 20 j
  C. 10 kj
  D. 20 kj

6)what is the weight of mass m=100 g
 A.0.1 N
 B. 1 N
 C. 2 N
 D. 10 N

Answer Key


SAT Physics Practice Questions 1 & answer key

SAT Practice questions

1)if  the focal distance of a lens is 2m. then the lens is :

A.  -1/2 diopter converging lens
B.   1/2 diopter converging lens
C.  -1/2 diopter diverging lens
D.   1/2 diopter diverging lens

2)what is the energy stored in a 1 μF capacitor charged at 2kV

A. 5 j
B. 3.2 j
C. 4 j
D. 6 j

3) 1 Kcal of heat furnished to a system .and this system deos 4 kj of work.what is the value of $\Delta{U}$?

A.184 j
D. 4kj

4) the electric field of very long straight wire is?

A.$ E=\lambda /4\pi \epsilon_{0}d$
B.$ E=\lambda/2\pi\epsilon_{0}d$

Answer key

Wednesday 31 August 2011

PCAT Physics Practice test 1 & Answer key

1) what is the atomic number A of Hydrogen

A. 1
B. 2
C. 0
D. 3

2)Neutron number N=?

A. A-Z
B. A+Z
C. A-Z-1

3)which particule has mass but no charge

A. electron
B. proton
C. neutron
D. photon

4)what is electron energy of hydrogen in level n=1

A. 13.6 e.v
B -13.6 e.v
C  1.36 e.v
D  136 e.v

5) What is the maximum number of electrons in the orbital d?
A. 6

6)if the quantum number $\ell$=3 how many value of $m_{\ell}$ exist ?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 6
D. 7

Answer key


Monday 29 August 2011

MCAT Physics Practice test 2 & Answer key

1)we have two capacitors C1=1nF ,C2=10nF,what is the value in parallel of their capacitance sums ?

 A.   0.9  nF
 B.   11   nF
 C.   101 nF
 D.   1.1 nF

2)we have two capacitors C1=5nF ,C2=5nF,what is the value in series  of their capacitance sums ?

 A.   1.0 nF
 B.   25  nF
 C.   2.5 nF
 D.   10  nF

3)if  the focal distance of a lens is 2m. then the lens is :

A.  -1/2 diopter converging lens
B.   1/2 diopter converging lens
C.  -1/2 diopter diverging lens
D.   1/2 diopter diverging lens

4)if an object run at a speed 100 m/s  for  5 seconds ,what is the distance traveled by the this object ?

A. 50  m
B. 100 m
C. 200 m
D. 500 m

5)name this formula ,$n_{1}sin{\theta_{1}}=n_{2}sin\theta_{2} $

A.Newton's law
B.Amper's law
C.Snell's law
D.coulomb's law

6)one ball make cirular motion velocity V=12 m/s ,radius r =10 m
what is the angular  velocity :

A. 12 rd/s
B. 1.2 rd/s
C. 120 rd/s
D. 1 rd/s
7)A bird  flies  in 72km/hour , how far can flies in 20 seconds?

A. 20 m
B. 40 m
C. 200 m
D. 400m

8)name this $F=-k\Delta{x}$

A.Amper's law
B.Hook's law
C.newton' law
D.coulomb' law

9)what is the energy stored in a 1 $\mu{F}$ capacitor charged at 2kV

A. 5 j
B. 3.2 j
C. 4 j
D. 6 j

10) the electric field of very long straight wire is?

A.$ E=\lambda /4\pi \epsilon_{0}d$
B.$ E=\lambda/2\pi\epsilon_{0}d$

Answer key

Sunday 28 August 2011

MCAT Physics practice test 1 & Answer key

MCAT( Medical college admisssion test ) practice test

 1.what is the melting  point of water at standard pressure in kelvin

A) 0 K
B) 273 K
C) 100 K
D) 173 K

2. what is the kinetic energy of  a 10 kg mass with speed  10 meters per second

A) 100 j
B) 300 j
C) 250 j
D) 500 j

3.which one is Newton's first law :

A) the speed of object dont change if resisance is null 
B)every object in motion still in motion
C)An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and   in    the same direction
D)any object still in motion if gravity is null

4. Neutron number N=  

A) A-Z
B) A+Z
C) A-A-1
D) A-Z+1

5. in somiconductor N-type the dopant atoms are capable of providing extra :
A) ions 
B) electrons
C) neutrons
D) holes 

6. we have two resistors in series  R= 1000  ohm ,and r = 100 ohm,the value of series resistor equal

 A) 90.90 ohm
 B) 1000 ohm
 C) 100 ohm
 D) 1100 ohm

7. two resistors in parallel R= 10 ohm and r= 10 ohm ,what is the value of parallel reistor 

 A)  5 ohm
 B) 10 ohm
 C) 100 ohm
 D) 20 ohm

8.what is the electron energy in hydrogen atom  level n=2

A) -3.4 e.v
B) -13.6 e.v
C) -1.5 e.v
D) 13.6 e.v this formula I =V/R

A) newton's law
B) ohm's law 
C) coulomb's law
D) Potentiel 's law this formula  E = F/ qt

A) The Potentiel intensity
B) The electric displacement field
C) Coulomb's law
D) The electric field intensity

Answer key:
1 .B
8 .A
9 .B