Physics exams

Sunday 28 August 2011

MCAT Physics practice test 1 & Answer key

MCAT( Medical college admisssion test ) practice test

 1.what is the melting  point of water at standard pressure in kelvin

A) 0 K
B) 273 K
C) 100 K
D) 173 K

2. what is the kinetic energy of  a 10 kg mass with speed  10 meters per second

A) 100 j
B) 300 j
C) 250 j
D) 500 j

3.which one is Newton's first law :

A) the speed of object dont change if resisance is null 
B)every object in motion still in motion
C)An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and   in    the same direction
D)any object still in motion if gravity is null

4. Neutron number N=  

A) A-Z
B) A+Z
C) A-A-1
D) A-Z+1

5. in somiconductor N-type the dopant atoms are capable of providing extra :
A) ions 
B) electrons
C) neutrons
D) holes 

6. we have two resistors in series  R= 1000  ohm ,and r = 100 ohm,the value of series resistor equal

 A) 90.90 ohm
 B) 1000 ohm
 C) 100 ohm
 D) 1100 ohm

7. two resistors in parallel R= 10 ohm and r= 10 ohm ,what is the value of parallel reistor 

 A)  5 ohm
 B) 10 ohm
 C) 100 ohm
 D) 20 ohm

8.what is the electron energy in hydrogen atom  level n=2

A) -3.4 e.v
B) -13.6 e.v
C) -1.5 e.v
D) 13.6 e.v this formula I =V/R

A) newton's law
B) ohm's law 
C) coulomb's law
D) Potentiel 's law this formula  E = F/ qt

A) The Potentiel intensity
B) The electric displacement field
C) Coulomb's law
D) The electric field intensity

Answer key:
1 .B
8 .A
9 .B

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